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Showing posts from June, 2021

The PHP Data Type

The PHP Data Types, like in any programming language, are the abc of computer languages, both for the Web and in the desktop environment; they. In human language we use words to form sentences; while in computer science data types are used to define the elements that make up a logical expression. The data type in PHP The variables Assigning the data type to the variables in languages like C  for example Java , also called "typed", is mandatory; this must be done explicitly! As for PHP, being a pre-compiled language, the data type is implicitly assigned when a variable is created; to find out the type of data in a variable you can use the (get type off) function of PHP. The primitive data types in PHP If you can understand the data type concept, you are halfway to becoming a good developer. The PHP primitive data types are: Integer (decimal integers) to contain a value ranging (from -2.147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647). Float or "floating point" and double; they reach ...

How to insert JavaScript into web pages

You have learned everything there is to know about HTML and CSS to start building your static website and now you would like to make it dynamic but you don't know how to insert JavaScript into web pages; right? Don't worry! Inserting the scripts into html files is really a breeze. If you read this article, in the next five minutes you will discover all the methods for inserting JavaScript into html files. How to insert JavaScript into HTML file JavaScript need HTML file to work.  Like CSS all methods of inserting JavaScript into a Web Page can be divided into two sections; add the scripts inside the TAG of  HTML file or by calling them externally. In detail we can insert JavaScript: Directly into Body of the HTML file. In the Head Tag and recall it in the body. With a relative or absolute external reference. Insert JavaScript into HTML file We will see an example of how to insert JavaScript shortly but first let's focus on when it is useful to do an explicit or implicit ...

The Java language

Initially, James Gosling 's Java language was called Oak; the lawyers pointed out that "oak" had already been recorded by others, so something else was chosen to give the language a name. The search method went from finding a suitable name for the language to one that wasn't; however time has disproved the method given Java's success. After some time, names suggested and then withdrawn, legend has it that the name Java was found in a coffee break in front of a hot and steaming cup of coffee from which the Java logo also derives. Introduction to the Java language The goal of the Java language has always been to create applications that adapt to various electronic devices; bypassing all the typical limitations of languages such as C and C ++ but maintaining the characteristics.  This choice also proved successful; because many programmers later started using the Java language, aided by their familiarity with their C background.  Networking A full range of ready-to-...