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Introduction to the PHP language

In this introduction to the PHP language, we define historical and distinctive aspects among the programming languages for the Web. Especially at the beginning of a course of study; the difference between a scripting language for the client and one for the server could be confusing.

Languages that take advantage of Web technology

The (Scripts) of the PHP language inserted in the Web pages are activated only when the user makes an HTTP call; therefore they are not suitable for creating Apps that can be installed but only be recalled from a Browser and are divided into two categories (client and server-side). PHP, unlike JavaScript, is a Server-side programming language; because it processes HTTP request scripts on the server.

How PHP works?

A classic example to imagine how the PHP language works are sending data through forms from a website to the server. The highlight of the PHP language is to:
  • Enter data into a database.
  • Modify or read data from the database.
  • Delete data from a database.
Obviously, with PHP language scripts we can do many other things for Web development!

Introduction to the PHP language: the origins

The history of PHP, initially (Personal Home Page), conceived by Rasmus Lerdorf; was born in 1995. Only a short time later, while the Apache Server was starting to make its way; Rasmus was able to integrate PHP with the Web Server thanks to the API (Application Programming Interface). Here are the PHP tools release mail.

Introduction to the PHP language
letter from rasmus lerdorf 

The leap in the quality of the PHP language

From its entry into the scene among the programming languages for the Web, the leap in the quality of the PHP language occurs in 2000 with version 4.0; thanks to Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans who rewrote much of the core of PHP making it more stable. On this occasion, the two renamed the language in (PHP Hypertext Processor) and between the changes they changed the parse with a new engine called Zend from which the company name also derives. In 2004, PHP version 5.0 was released which includes a new definition of objects.


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