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Learn to use the computer

Many people use the PC every day to connect to the network and to work but without knowing what the computer is and wondering how this is possible. We put a computer to work every time we buy with a credit card, withdraw from an ATM, pay a postal order, buy a train ticket, play video games and many other things. Understanding how the PC works inside is too much but starting from its components and the origins of  IT is already a good start.

Learn to use the computer
Learn to use the computer

Basic computer components

The computer is made up of several electronic components on printed circuits that interact with each other via micro pulses; if you want to learn how to use the computer, the main components of a PC are:
  • A central processing unit (CPU); the "processor" used to process active processes on the data before outgoing transmission.
  • RAM memories (random access memory) in which the bytes for processing are loaded; it is the dynamic memory of the computer and it is volatile;
  • A graphics processing unit (GPU).
  • ROM memory (read only memory); "permanent" read-only, it has a fixed content that cannot be deleted and therefore is not volatile; it contains the instructions that the CPU must load to allow the system to boot and the basic routines called BIOS (Basic I / O System);
  • the Cache; or in English Memory cache characterized by high speeds and has the function of accelerating accesses to the main memory by increasing the performance of the computer.
  • mass memory; the hard disk also known as hard disk, in English Hard disk performs the function of file storage.

The input peripherals of a computer

The input or input peripherals are used for data entry. The devices that are part of it are the keyboard, the mouse, the touch pad, the scanner, the optical pen, the touch screen and the microphone.

Computer output peripherals

The peripheral units of output, are the monitor, the printer, the audio speakers included as in laptops or added to PC desktop.


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