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Introduction to the C language

In this introduction to the c language, I highlight characters and reference points of this programming language; which changed the world of computing, contributing uniquely to today's world. 

The language was developed by Dennis Ritchie, in the Bell labs, between (1972/73) on "DEC PDP-11"; acronym for (Digital Equipment Corporation Programmed Data Processor model 11) with 16-bit architecture. It was in these labs that Ritchie ran the first program written in c. 

Dennis Ritchie

The c imprint derives from a development process of Martin Richards' BCPL language which influenced Ken Thomson's writing of language B.

Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie 1973

Introduction to the C language

In the early 1970s, the C language begins its path to success! Being a procedural language, it is able to integrate features of low-level languages, such as assembly; this affinity, in my opinion, makes C the middle ground between low-level and high-level languages.

The C language

The C language, renowned for its power, has established itself as a reference language for the development of system software on a global scale; a classic example, just to be clear, the Unix operating system and its derivatives; this language shows its full value in those programs that require high performance! Unlike the Java language where hardware has been adapted, improved and enhanced over time to take advantage of the Java Virtual Machine.


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