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Introduction to HTML language

If you've decided to learn how to build websites from scratch, you'll find this introduction to HTML particularly interesting. HTML acronym for (Hyper Text Markup Language); is the standard that defines the structure of the hypertext language for the creation of  Web pages.

Structure of an HTML file

The creation of an HTML file is done through markers and tags; the first, structure the Web page for the Browser, the Tags are the containers of what is visible on the screen by the user. In practice, the Tags outline the content of a page.

Introduction to HTML language

If  You don't use a CMS (a program that allows you to do this without writing HTML code) for create a Web page, requires that you have assimilated the syntax of the HTML language. An HTML file has the opening and closing markers; this latter differs from a forward slash (/) in front of it; translated into English (Forwardslash) and which we will see shortly. 
In addition to what has just been said, there are some exceptions as illustrated below that do not provide for closure:
  • The <! DOCTYPE html> declaration specifies an HTML5 document (does not require closing).
  • The <html> marker; is the opening element of an .html file and this is how it should be closed </html>.
  • The <head> element contains all the document information not visible on the screen.
  • The title of the document <title>.
  • The <body> element that contains the part visible on the screen of a page.
  • The header (title) of the contents of a page <h1>.
  • The definition of a paragraph <p>.
  • The separator <hr> (does not need to be closed) and not even the Tag <br> to go to the next line.
Introduction to HTML language
Basic HTML file

In this introduction to HTML I have already presented all the main elements; there are only tables and lists that deserve a deeper discussion but now we are ready for a basic practical example.

How to view a web page

The software to view a Web page is "the Browser" the hardware is the monitor! In the past, creating a site required more effort for developers; before Responsive Web Design they were forced to create different styles for different browsers and displays by also integrating a lot of JavaScript code.

Introduction to HTML5: Responsive web design

With the HTML5 and CSS3 version of the language it is possible to do things that were previously only possible with the use of JavaScript. With these versions it is possible to use Responsive Web Design techniques which makes it possible to develop dynamic grids that adapt to the device screen. This type of approach solves all those problems related to the diversity of dimensions between the different mobile devices.


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