In this introduction to the c language, I highlight characters and reference points of this programming language; which changed the world of computing, contributing uniquely to today's world. The language was developed by Dennis Ritchie , in the Bell labs, between (1972/73) on "DEC PDP-11"; acronym for (Digital Equipment Corporation Programmed Data Processor model 11) with 16-bit architecture. It was in these labs that Ritchie ran the first program written in c. Dennis Ritchie The c imprint derives from a development process of Martin Richards' BCPL language which influenced Ken Thomson's writing of language B. Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie 1973 Introduction to the C language In the early 1970s, the C language begins its path to success! Being a procedural language, it is able to integrate features of low-level languages, such as assembly; this affinity, in my opinion, makes C the middle ground between low-level and high-level languages. The C language The C l...
Basic computer tutorial and problem solving.