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Showing posts from May, 2021

Introduction to the C language

In this introduction to the c language, I highlight characters and reference points of this programming language; which changed the world of computing, contributing uniquely to today's world.  The language was developed by Dennis Ritchie , in the Bell labs, between (1972/73) on "DEC PDP-11"; acronym for (Digital Equipment Corporation Programmed Data Processor model 11) with 16-bit architecture. It was in these labs that Ritchie ran the first program written in c.  Dennis Ritchie The c imprint derives from a development process of Martin Richards' BCPL language which influenced Ken Thomson's writing of language B. Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie 1973 Introduction to the C language In the early 1970s, the C language begins its path to success! Being a procedural language, it is able to integrate features of low-level languages, such as assembly; this affinity, in my opinion, makes C the middle ground between low-level and high-level languages. The C language The C l...

Introduction to the JavaScript language

In this introduction to the JavaScript language we discover one of the programming languages that has changed the concept of understanding the Web. The added value of JavaScript to the HTML code is to make the Web page dynamic in its interactions with the user. JavaScript is a client-side web programming language. Web 2.0 was born with the JavaScript language. The advantages of the JavaScript JavaScript or "JS" in its abbreviated form; is the most widely used client-side scripting language on the web. The advantage of the JavaScript is that it can be interpreted by almost all browsers; while what has allowed a strong expansion is the availability of many frameworks and libraries that can be easily integrated into scripts. The language is unique in its kind for data exchange thanks to the asynchronous AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) functions that allow you to interact with users without reloading web pages and to exchange data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) for...

Introduction to HTML language

If you've decided to learn how to build websites from scratch, you'll find this introduction to HTML particularly interesting. HTML acronym for (Hyper Text Markup Language); is the standard that defines the structure of the hypertext language for the creation of  Web pages. Structure of an HTML file The creation of an HTML file is done through markers and tags; the first, structure the Web page for the Browser, the Tags are the containers of what is visible on the screen by the user. In practice, the Tags outline the content of a page. Introduction to HTML language If  You don't use a CMS (a program that allows you to do this without writing HTML code) for create a Web page, requires that you have assimilated the syntax of the HTML language. An HTML file has the opening and closing markers; this latter differs from a forward slash (/) in front of it; translated into English (Forwardslash) and which we will see shortly.  In addition to what has just been said, there are so...

The syntax of the JavaScript language

Each programming language has very specific rules to follow and the syntax of the JavaScript language makes no exceptions; so if you want to learn how to program for the Web "client-side", you have to write the code correctly, otherwise, it cannot be interpreted by the Browser. JavaScript is a scripting language that makes a Web page dynamic; the script code must be inserted inside the HTML tags allowing the Browser to interpret it. The processing phase is carried out locally and not by the server, using the power of the PC; this as you can guess is more advantageous. Introduction to JavaScript Learning the syntax of JavaScript is the first step in working with the elements of the HTML language via ID; exploiting the objects of the DOM (Data Object Model) in the Browser. JavaScript allows us to make a web page interactive and dynamic but in detail, we can do: Mathematical calculations. Change the graphic aspects of a web page in real-time. Check the data in a form before it i...

Introduction to the PHP language

In this introduction to the PHP language, we define historical and distinctive aspects among the programming languages for the Web. Especially at the beginning of a course of study; the difference between a scripting language for the client and one for the server could be confusing. Languages that take advantage of Web technology The (Scripts) of the PHP language inserted in the Web pages are activated only when the user makes an HTTP call; therefore they are not suitable for creating Apps that can be installed but only be recalled from a Browser and are divided into two categories (client and server-side). PHP, unlike JavaScript, is a Server-side programming language; because it processes HTTP request scripts on the server. How PHP works? A classic example to imagine how the PHP language works are sending data through forms from a website to the server. The highlight of the PHP language is to: Enter data into a database. Modify or read data from the database. Delete data from a databa...

Compilers and interpreters

Programming languages allow you to interact with computers but writing a program would end in itself without compilers and interpreters. A computer would not be able to understand a program written with programming languages without the code being first translated into machine language; in the case of compilers, or interpreted in the case of interpreters.  Compiled and interpreted languages Except for Java where we can summarize with a term typical of (middle way) the constraints of a compiled program as in C, C ++ compared to an interpreted one, to understand them you have to go back in time to the birth of the Web; this is the only way to understand what prompted the need to find alternative solutions to those of compiled languages. Even though things have changed today with languages that have improved the internet experience such as: JavaScript, PHP, ASP, JSP at the time, the "small applications written in Java" Applets were the first to open the way to the new way of und...

Learn to use the computer

Many people use the PC every day to connect to the network and to work but without knowing what the computer is and wondering how this is possible. We put a computer to work every time we buy with a credit card, withdraw from an ATM, pay a postal order, buy a train ticket, play video games and many other things. Understanding how the PC works inside is too much but starting from its components and the origins of  IT is already a good start. Learn to use the computer Basic computer components The computer is made up of several electronic components on printed circuits that interact with each other via micro pulses; if you want to learn how to use the computer, the main components of a PC are: A central processing unit (CPU); the "processor" used to process active processes on the data before outgoing transmission. RAM memories (random access memory) in which the bytes for processing are loaded; it is the dynamic memory of the computer and it is volatile; A graphics processing...